"I'm sorry you're not llama-famous!" -- Frank Collerius, The Librarian is In, Ep. 57, (borrowed from "To the Guanacos at the Syracuse Zoo" by Chen Chen, from When I Grow Up I Want to Be a List of Further Possibilities)
This is, hands down, my favorite podcast. Ever.
I know it has the word "librarian" in the title, but trust me, you do not have to be one or even know one to enjoy this show. All you need is a love of reading and an interest in books.
The show's hosts have a chemistry that only comes from sharing a passion. Gwen Glazer is the recommendations librarian in the Readers Services unit of the New York Public Library and Frank Collerius is the manager of the Jefferson Market Library of the NYPL system. Together, you could not ask for more knowledgable people. They love what they do and are excited about the subject matter. They each have different genre interests and are not afraid to read outside of their comfort zone.
My TBR list has grown exponentially because of these two.
I enjoy their non-book recommendations as well. It's nice to have different ideas on what to watch next, new music to listen to, and what shows to go see.